COVID-19 Service update - 31 August

As a large part of the country moves into Alert Level 3 and Auckland remains at Alert Level 4, we are continuing to look after our clients’ fire protection needs.

Regions in Alert Level 3

Our technicians are back on the ground, safely undergoing regular testing, inspections and maintenance while at Alert Level 3. If you have any specific site requirements during Alert Level 3, please contact us.

Strict COVID-19 prevention protocols are in place. Staff will be wearing appropriate PPE, safety hygiene practices will be adhered to, social distancing in place, and scanning of QR codes for contract tracing is mandatory. Staff will not work if they are unwell.

Auckland in Alert Level 4

Level 4 procedures remain in place for Auckland. For non-essential services and for buildings that aren’t occupied, FSS will only respond to urgent critical faults and/or a request from FENZ to attend site. However, if your organisation provides an essential service or is occupied, and if it is safe to do so, we can carry out some routine inspections and service work to ensure the system remains functional. These sites are being considered on a case-by-case basis. The safety of our staff and our clients is our priority, any site visits will be carried out with strict COVID-19 protocols.

FSS office staff will continue to work from home under Alert Level 3 and 4.

If you have questions about your service, please contact us.